I have been making my own stock for several years now , with varied successes... the last few batches though have been great , and Ive stopped buying store bought . I just make a big batch and freeze it into different sized bags or containers. That way If i only need a cup , I just take out one cups worth. I have not tried making one with only 5 ingredients before .. ( its usually closer to ten with herbs ) which ones do I choose , which ones should i leave out ?? The herbs I decided could be added later , which really brought me down to 6 ingredients... still to many :( It was a toss up between carrots, celery and garlic... Garlic is my all time fav , so that stayed ... It was a tough choice, in the end I let a coin choose for me , and carrots it was.
Ingredients Required : Makes 5 litres
5lbs of beef bones - Frozen is fine
3 large carrots
6 or 7 medium onions
1 head of garlic
10 litres of water
For something so simple to make I sure took a LOT of photos during this process, I have condensed a few of the shots. The order is Top Left , Top Right, Bottom Left , Bottom Right.
NO need to defrost the bones , if they are frozen, just put them on a baking tray for 10 minutes in the 350F oven , the separate and add 3 halved onions, and a half a head of garlic, drizzle with sunflower oil , and give it a few pinches of sea salt. Into the oven for about 45 minutes, it should look something like the bottom left picture. Get your biggest pot out, I have a 20Quart one i use for stocks and canning. |
While the bones are roasting , peel your carrots ( skip this if you have organic ones, which I don't this time of year ) and chop into large pieces. Quarter the onions ( skins on is fine ) and dice the garlic.
Add them to the pot, with a splash of oil, I started with med/low heat while I got things going . |
Ahh the GOOD stuff , roasted garlic :) The trick here is to cut the tips off before roasting , then you can grab it by the root and squeeze out the garlic :) Into the stock pot . |
Everything goes into the pot , raw and roasted . |
Don't forget to deglaze the roasting pan , I simply used 500ml of boiling water, and a wooden spoon. |
Look at all that goodness that came off the pan, I could have saved this an made some amazing gravy .. but its stock making day ! There was actually double this amount recovered. |
Okay , back to the stock pot. Add the deglazed liquid and 10 litres of water . I used boiling water to get things moving quicker, by simply refilling my kettle 6 times. |
Water was just added, you will want to add a few pinches of salt now, and a some cracked black pepper. Bring it to a boil and simmer , on med/low for about 3 hours. Skim the surface occasionally, and give it a stir to prevent anything burning on the bottom. After its been simmering for about a hour , you will want to start taste testing when you stir, to correct the salt and pepper levels. Add it in small increments is best. You don't have to but I refrigerated this over night when i was done, and skimmed off 95% of the fat that rose to the surface. |
I removed all the large pieces to a baking tray with tongs , then used my smaller stock pot as a catch basin, and strained with a mesh and metal strainer. Then strained it again through some cheese cloth into my biggest measuring cup I had to repeat this three times as it holds 8cups ( 2 litres ) |
I like to use Medium HD freezer bags, always mark your bag before filling, with whats in it , the date and how much is in the bag. I used a second measuring cup as a holder, and marked, measured and poured until I was through all 5 litres. I still have several one cups sizes in the freezer so I filled most of these to 4 cups (1L)
That's it !! While it is a fairly lengthy process , about 4 1/2 hours start to finish, there is not very much work involved. A little bit of prep in the beginning , and a quick stir every 30 -45 minutes, and 15 minutes of straining and bagging at the end. But Ive put away 6 bags full of stock, that I can use for soups, stews, stir fry's, curries and many more dishes. I hope you have enjoyed this post :)
Happy Cooking !

Thank you for perfecting the recipe through experimenting! Makes it easy for all of us =) And I love your use of bone marrows!