Monday, December 6, 2010

Making Hamburger Frittatas - Creative Leftovers #3

I'll start by explaining Creative Leftovers, its a simple and easy way to use up all the extra food I always seem to cook. Sometimes even on purpose.  I know there are lots of people out there like me , that simply don't want to eat the exact same meal two days in a row. 
So today, I'm going to take two of my favourite meals , and combine them for an amazing leftovers creation.
Homemade hamburgers and Frittatas!!
I could not decide on which one to show you , so I choose three.  All using hamburgers from the night before, and all with different ingredients. 
You will need an oven safe pan for this recipe.  Cast iron,  or non stick works the best. 

Frittatas are really easy to make,   you don't need this many ingredients ... but it can't hurt either.

I like to have everything prepped and ready, bite sized pieces are best. Once you start the process going its all over in ten minutes. 

2 eggs per person is plenty, I also like to add about a 1/4lb of meat each.  Its all flexible and you can get away with almost anything. 

Don't forget to whisk your eggs.  Room temperature produces the best result.  At this moment you can add some great flavour to the dish.  I like to take a small hand full of the grated cheese, whatever herbs I'm using ( Usually Basil ) and a few cracks of black pepper.
My favourite ingredients are : Mushrooms, Onions , Red Peppers, Broccoli and Tomatoes.
Start sauteing, your veggies, I always seem to slip a minced clove of garlic or two in there as well.  About 5 minutes or half to two thirds cooked. At this point you will want to preheat your oven. 

Next up is the egg mixture, I like to shake the pan around until it looks even before adding the egg.  Be ready , and do this fairly quickly.  Pour in a clockwise motion around the pan.  Once it is starting to look like an omelet,  the edges are starting to cook, but still running on top.  Its time for the final toppings.  Depending how well done you like you broccoli , you can add it in here or ,save it for the next step.

Tomatoes, Cheese, Prosciutto salami , green onions and broccoli  are all  good for toppings. Of course we cant forget the cheese. This was freshly grated mozzarella and 6 year old cheddar. 

Into a 350F oven for around 12 - 20 minutes , depending on how many eggs you have used and the amount of cheese and toppings involved.  Just take a look at it ever couple of minutes.  You may need break the seal around the edge of the pan it get it out.  My method for telling when its done properly is, when the frittata can slide around in the pan without sticking, means the middle is done.  This also makes it a lot easier to slide it off the pan.   Otherwise you may have to cut it like pie. I simply slide it onto my butchers block and slice like a pizza.   A couple of minutes rest time before cutting will give you a nicer presentation. 
Tomato, Broccoli, Prosciutto salami, green onions, red peppers , hamburger, mushrooms and cheese make for an amazing lunch. 

Some have a little more cheese thank others. :)  Those crispy edges , to me, are the best part. 

They don't have to be all neat and tidy looking. 

They look just like an egg pizza to me :) So good, healthy, and tasty!!

Simply slice and serve, and enjoy.  They do reheat really well,  if need be.  300F oven for 10 or 15 minutes and they are as good as new. 

I'm going to try something new , and end with a photo for this post.   A couple of  important tips to remember are needed first.
Stove Top/Oven safe pan is a must.  Cast Iron is great.
Pan Size Guideline: 2 to 3 eggs - 6" -8" , 3 to 4 eggs - 8" -10" , 5 to 6 eggs - 12" pan.   
Room temperature eggs, I take them out at least an hour before.
Add broccoli, tomatoes, and deli meats just before the oven for best results.

Experiment and Enjoy, the possibilities are almost endless. 
Rich :)


  1. OK Rich. I am amazed! I obviously had never made a frittata - I just thought I was making a frittata. Next time I will follow your suggestions exactly. :D I will let you know - probably won't do this until the next time my hubby has a day off.

    Your pics are delicious looking. I would have to cut all those fantastic crispy edges off and eat them before my husband had a chance to get them first. LOL!!

    BTW - your header pics are wonderful - love the montage (or is it a collage?). I'll have to look that up again. :D

  2. Thanks Lindy! Fritattas are very flexible ingredients wise, and quite forgiving. I think for me it was getting the right amount of eggs that helped the most.
    Im not sure either, the header option says Collage, but there is a montage option within... here is what wikipedia says ' A collage (From the French: coller, to glue) is a work of formal art, primarily in the visual arts, made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole."
    Montage (from the French for "putting together") most often refers to collage including photomontage and sound collage.

    From what i just read , collage is static, and montage is more about moving art , movie clips .

  3. This is a beautiful way to use leftovers. Your frittata looks delicious.

    Frittatas and stir-fries are great ways to use what's left in the refrigerator.

    Great post.

  4. I did it Rich you would be proud!!!! Made my 1st frittata!!!! i am even gonna take a pic and send to ya throw what i had in it. it is in the oven let ya know how it tastes
    Lynn Brown

  5. Awesome Lynn :)) I cant wait to see and hear about how it turned out !!!
