Monday, February 20, 2012

Rich's Kitchen Tips and Tricks 2

Over the years, I have amassed all sorts of little tricks and tips to make life easier, faster, or healthier in the kitchen .  I've decided to start sharing some of those with you .   This is the second post for this new series.    I hope you enjoy, or at least find something interesting or useful .

In a moment of not thinking.... I used a metal spatula on my enamelled cast iron pot :(( I was left with a series of smalll scratches all the way around.... So I seasoned it ,(Slather it in oil and bake in a hot oven for a couple of hours ) like i have done with all my other cast iron cookware. The oil adhered to all the scratches... so I think Ive saved it, time will tell I guess...   A year later , everything is just fine , not a spec of rust to be seen :))  
To test your eggs for freshness , simply place them in a bowl of water .. if they lay flat , they are 100% fresh, if they stand on one end ... edible, but must be fully cooked ! If they float ... compost or throw them away . These ones are just fine :)  
Save money, and your health by switching to pyrex and glass storage containers... I use my canning jars too, perfect for hot liquids ( gravy in this case ) and a nice bonus is you can reheat them in a toaster oven, less dishes and no microwaves involved ;)

That's it, short and to the point.
 If you have a tip you would like to share , please post it on my Facebook page  or send me an email to   and Id be happy to test and share it :))

Eat Well and Be Healthy


  1. Nice tips! Here's one: To get stains off of your crock pot liner, soak and wash, then spray pure white vinegar onto the stains. Wait about a minute or two, and then rub with a microfiber cloth. If there is still some residual, then repeat, or if the job is really tough add a cup of vinegar and enough water to immerse the stain. Let soak overnight and rub the stain away! ;) ~ Lynda

  2. I never knew that about testing the eggs. Thanks for the great tip.

  3. Great tips, Rich!

    To extend the life of celery (and other refrigerated root veggies like carrots, parsnips) when you get home from the grocery store, pat them dry and wrap tightly in aluminum foil. Wash as you need them. Your celery will last almost a month without going limp!

    1. Interesting ... rarely ever lasts long enough around here to go bad though! hahahaha but thank you :)
