Saturday, June 11, 2011

Starting My Garden Early 2

Well, I have so much to say , and show you .. That I dont even know where to start really . After having taken pretty much the whole month of May off , to get life sorted , and my garden growing . I'm happy to report both are now on track again lol . ( I hope!! hahaha )   So where did I leave off ??  Hmmm wow , for gardening it was 5 weeks ago . So that is where Ill pick back up again .  

These are always the first flowers in my garden :))  I planted them years ago ... lol always lets me know when spring has arrived.  

The mystery seeds turned out to be cucumber :)) 

Peas are great to start inside or direct seed,  I did a bit of both .  This did give these ones a 4 week head start though . 

My tomatoes,  I think these are the sweetie ones.. either way : Important note... these are getting to leggy already , they needed to be closer to the light .  ( 7 weeks later , the few that survived are not much taller than this , but strong now )   

The garlic I planted last fall is coming back strong!!  Mmmm 

Romaine lettuce , direct seeded on March 28th, and covered with a cold frame .
Note : The direct seeded Romaine did FAR better than the transplants I tried.  

Volunteer Wild Strawberry Plant :)) Thought Id save it and see what happens.  

Basil :)) - My little grow shelf worked great , but I did not have the plants close enough to the light for the 1st couple of weeks. Ooops 

My first time planting corn !!  This did SO much better by starting inside... sprouted in less than a week , compared to almost 3 weeks with  direct seeding . ( Mind you , I think I tried a little too early for direct lol , even with a cold frame )

Lots more gardening and food posts to follow !!  I do appreciate all feedback , or if you have your own tips , feel free to leave a comment on here , send me an email , or jump over to my Facebook page and join the daily fun ( links on the right side of this page :))  
I'm glad to be back!!  It has been too long !!  
Happy Gardening - Rich 


  1. I gave up on corn this year, last year I sent 90% of it out to the chickens because it was riddled with corn ear worm. And Bob wonders why I didn't plant any corn this year! LOL!. I planted what I thought were garbanzos, after all the jar they were stored in said "Garbanzo" on the side... they were peas! (next time I plant with glasses ON.) With weather consistently in the mid to high 90's this spring I think they will fry!!! But, I am going to try growing them in a bag of soil with bamboo poles stuck in and place them in morning sun to see what happens... you never know?
    PS: I will let you know what happens.
    PSS: My first try at posting went to never-never-land! (Fumblefingers!!!)

  2. looking good....being way far South of you, I am eating cukes,zucchini, squash, string beans, tomatoes of all sizes. Corn is 6ft tall on one type and later sowing 4 1/2 ft. I pulled up the peas and seeded 8 ball squash.... For something different. Have eggplants almost ready to pull. Did u get the tomato seed I mailed???

  3. Lynda :)) This is my first try at corn ... the two plots are looking good so far , with the first planting now more than a foot tall . Hahaha Garbonzo Beans , and chick peas confused me for a long time... but they are the same thing , just different names for different nationalities. lol
    Peas should grow... just keep them out of that direct crazy sunlight you have :)) Semi shade should work just nice . Mine are just forming pods now!! yeah!!

  4. Kimmie :)) Wow!! The best Ive had is a salad made up of all the thinnings... soon though , I have pea pods forming , and a few tomatoes and peppers have started , my radishes are ready anytime now ,and my corn is only just past 1 foot ( and I started extra early this year. )
    No sadly , i did not :(( I am missing a few things that people have sent , but I heard that yesterday Canada Post went on strike ... so who knows if it was them or customs :(( Bummer, I have been looking fwd to them .
